Omni-Logic Immune Prebiotic

A prebiotic supplement that promotes the health and reproduction of essential good gut bacteria that aid in seamless digestion and bowel function, strengthen the intestinal lining, and support the immune system.

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Precision Prebiotics
Rooted in 30 Years
of Research
Clean Ingredients
Vegetarian &
No Refrigeration

Precision Prebiotics

Prebiotics are insoluble dietary fibers that serve as the food for our good gut bacteria. Just like most living beings, different bacterial species thrive on different sources of dietary fiber. Mindfully formulated prebiotics are targeted dietary fiber supplements that help provide the necessary nutrients that our good gut bacteria need to thrive. This is also why consuming a diverse range of dietary fiber in your diet is important for gut health.

Prebiotics are a particularly effective way to nurture and promote healthy amounts of the anaerobic bacteria living in the gut. These anaerobic bacteria cannot easily be made into probiotic supplements as they die when encountering oxygen. Prebiotic supplements provide the necessary fibers for these anaerobic bacteria to thrive, and they are incredibly important for our gut health and overall wellbeing.

Improves health and reproduction of beneficial gut bacteria

Supports seamless digestion & regular bowel movements

Strengthens immune function

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What Are Prebiotics And The Health Benefits Of Taking A Prebiotic Supplement?

The probiotic bacteria that live in our gut microbiome (the world of billions of bacteria in our intestines) are split up into two groups: aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. 

A large portion of these probiotic bacteria consist of anaerobic bacteria, which means that they do not live or grow when oxygen is present. Only a small percentage consists of the aerobic bacteria, which can survive in oxygen and can therefore be manufactured into dietary supplements. Due to their sensitivity to oxygen, the anaerobic bacteria cannot be taken in the form of probiotic supplements. 

Luckily, scientists have come up with a clever way to promote the growth of anaerobic probiotic bacteria, which are incredibly important for our health. This is via prebiotics! 

Prebiotics are specific dietary fibers that serve as the food for certain anaerobic probiotic bacteria. The gist is that, if you can’t supplement certain key, beneficial bacteria, you can make sure that you’re providing everything they need to thrive in your gut by taking a prebiotic supplement.

Just like people, every probiotic bacterium has a favorite food and eating this ensures optimal livelihood. For example, Bacteroidetes particularly like apple pectin, butyrate-forming faecalibacteria prefer fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and special milk sugars such as galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), whereas Akkermansia muciniphila thrive on galacto-olgosaccharides (GOS).

Who Would Benefit From Taking A Prebiotic Supplement?

External factors, including taking medications such as antibiotics, high amounts of and prolonged periods of stress, as well as unhealthy eating habits can disrupt the healthy balance of our gut bacteria. This can give rise to gut issues such as gas, bloating, and changes to bowel movements, as well as to longer-term health challenges such as chronic inflammation, leaky gut, eczema and migraines. 

If there is an unhealthy imbalance of bacteria in the gut, a prebiotic supplement can support the growth of anaerobic bacteria in order to restore healthy bacterial balance and diversity. 

Taking a prebiotic supplement is also an effective way to add more fiber to your diet, which supports a healthy gut microbiome and helps to promote regular bowel movements.

Do Omni-Logic Products Have Regulatory Approval?

All Omni-Logic products meet “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) criteria specified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

What Kind Of Testing Do You Do On Omni-Logic?

Omni-Logic prebiotics are developed by Institut AllergoSan “Competence Center for Microbiome Research,” based on over 25 years of gut microbiome research and 100+ clinical studies using our products.

All Omni-Logic products include only ingredients that are known to be safe and effective. Furthermore, all ingredients are regularly tested for purity.

What Is The Recommended Intake Of Omni-Logic?

Omni-Logic PLUS: Stir 5 g (5 g = 1 coated measuring spoon) into approx. 6 oz / 200 mL of water / juice and drink at once as this product will gelatinize. The positive effect of glucomannan occurs with a daily intake of 3 g in 3 portions of 1 g in combination with 1-2 glasses of water before meals.

Our tip: We advise to start with 1 or ½ a measuring spoon once per day for three days. Then, gradually increase the daily amount up to the recommended daily dose (1 measuring spoon 3 times per day) over a period of approximately one week.

Take the product with plenty of liquid to ensure safe and easy ingestion, especially for consumers with difficulty swallowing. 

Omni-Logic IMMUNE: Stir 5 g (5 g = 1 coated measuring spoon) into approx. 6 oz / 200 mL of water / juice once daily (no activation time required). Our tip: Start with ½ measuring spoon once a day for 3 days. Then increase to the full daily recommended amount of 1 measuring spoon per day. This allows your good bacteria to multiply appropriately.

How Long Should Omni-Logic Be Taken For?

This depends on your health status and goals. However, it is best to take Omni-Logic for at least three months. There are powerful health benefits of adding a premium prebiotic to your daily wellness routine.

When Should Someone Feel The Benefits Of Omni-Logic?

You likely will feel a positive effect on your digestion in the first few days of taking Omni-Logic. The additional benefits on your overall health and wellbeing should become apparent in the first few weeks.

Can I Take Omni-Logic With Other Supplements And/Or Medications?

Yes, Omni-Logiccan be taken with other supplements and/or medications.

Are Omni-Logic Products Suitable For Vegetarians And Vegans?

Omni-Logic IMMUNE is certified vegan, gluten, lactose and soy-free, and made up of Non-GMO ingredients. Omni-Logic PLUS contains a small amount of lactose, which makes it suitable for vegetarians.

Is It Possible To Take Omni-Logic Despite Dietary Intolerances (E.G. Histamine, Fructose)?

AllOmni-Logicproducts are free of gluten, soy, corn, nuts and GMO ingredients. OnlyOmni-LogicPLUS contains a small amount of lactose (approx. 1.14 grams of lactose). 

Can Omni-Logic Be Used When Trying To Conceive, During Pregnancy, Postpartum And While Breastfeeding?

Yes, all Omni-Logic prebiotics are safe for use when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, postpartum and while breastfeeding. 

In fact, supporting gut health via prebiotics during pregnancy and the first few months after birth will help support a healthy pregnancy and lay the foundation for the infant’s health.

Are Omni-Logic Products Safe For Children?

All Omni-Logic products are safe for children over the age of six (6) years. It is recommended to give children a reduced dosage, starting with a knife tip per day in a large glass of water. For Omni-Logic PLUS, it is important to add sufficient liquid to ensure safe and easy ingestion, because the product can gelatinize. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

I just started to take the powder it is too early to tell, but I feel good already after 4 days.

Mike W
Actually Works!!

Tried many prebiotic products for myself and my fiancé. This product works wonders for either constipation or diarrhea! One product that finally works for the whole household.
Can't recommend enough!

Great Product

I’m nearing the end of my 3 month program and would say it has made a tremendous difference. Ordering more for sure!


Great products!

Leslie Goldstein
Love Omnibiotic products!

I really appreciate these probiotics! I believe they have helped to keep me healthier through many stressful times at work.