Gut-Liver Axis and Omni-Biotic Hetox Publications

Illustration of the Gut-Liver Axis showing the interaction between the gut microbiome and liver cells

The gut and liver communicate bidirectionally through the biliary tract, portal vein and systemic circulation. For its part, the liver communicates with the intestines through the release of bile acids and active molecules. In the intestine, metabolic products of friendly, resident gut microbes also influence liver function.

Clinical studies have demonstrated the gut-liver and detoxification power of OMNi-BiOTiC® Hetox with outcomes including improved liver function and cardiometabolic parameters as well as decreased toxin load.

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Human Clinical Trials on Final Formulation

The following studies were performed on the commercial Omni-Biotic formulation available in the US market. In some cases the brand name will differ based on the European marketed product, but probiotic strains and formulation are identical.


The following papers are not specific to Omni-Biotic products but are provided here for informational and educational purposes.