Omni-Biotic Probiotics

What Are Probiotics And Health Benefits Of Taking A Probiotic Supplement?

Probiotics are the billions of good bacteria that naturally occur in a healthy large intestine (gut). These probiotic bacteria assist in critical processes in the body, including digestion, nutrient absorption, immune system response and even cognitive function.

However, several external factors, including unhealthy foods, stress and/or certain medication, can throw off the healthy balance and diversity of bacteria in the gut. First and foremost, this leads to digestive discomfort such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea. Over time, an imbalance in the gut microbiome can manifest as bigger issues, like a weaker immune system, skin flareups and brain fog. Research shows that long-term, a dysbiosis in the gut has been linked to serious illnesses, including Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Taking a high-quality probiotic supplement helps to restore and maintain the healthy balance and diversity of good bacteria in the gut. A high-quality probiotic supplement supports your gut health and with that promotes your overall body wellbeing.

How Do I Know If Taking Probiotics Is A Good Idea For Me And Which Product Is The Right Fit?

Taking a probiotic supplement is beneficial to almost everyone. Considering the external factors that can damage the gut (e.g. stress, certain medications, unhealthy eating and drinking habits), fact is that many of us are confronted by these on a daily basis. Therefore, it is very beneficial to add a probiotic supplement to your daily wellness routine to strengthen your gut health and overall wellbeing.

In certain situations, a probiotic is an essential step in restoring a healthy gut and whole organism. For example, if you recently completed a round of antibiotics, a probiotic supplement will rebuild your gut microbiome. Antibiotics kill the bad bacteria that are making you sick as well as many of the good bacteria in the gut, which are so important for your health.

In the case that you are experiencing irregular bowel movements, digestive discomfort and/or have a more serious gut issue (e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome), the right probiotic can help you feel better.

If you are struggling with a chronic disease (e.g. eczema or psoriasis, migraines, depression), consider if this might be triggered or exacerbated by a dysbiosis in your gut bacteria. In many situations, this is the case. Consult with your healthcare professional and do a stool test to see if you need to restore the balance in your gut microbiome.

Omni-Biotic is a line of probiotics tailored to specific health needs. Take our Product Fit Quiz to find the best probiotic for you.

Do Omni-Biotic Products Have Regulatory Approval?

All Omni-Biotic products meet “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) criteria specified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Omni-Biotic are developed by Institut AllergoSan in accordance with the highest quality criteria for probiotics presented by the:

  •  FDA, World Health Organization (WHO)
  • World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO)
  • Austrian/German Societies for Probiotic Medicine (OePROM / DePROM)

What Kind Of Testing Do You Do On Omni-Biotic?

Omni-Biotic probiotics are developed by Institut AllergoSan “Competence Center for Microbiome Research,” based on over 30 years of gut microbiome research and 100+ clinical studies using our products.

Institut AllergoSan’s expert Research and Development team first tests each strain of probiotic bacteria for how effective it is in achieving a specific health outcome. The team then tests the combination of strains of probiotic bacteria that is included in one Omni-Biotic product to make sure they work well together to achieve a desired outcome. All Omni-Biotic probiotics are tested for efficacy in their final version in clinical studies.

Key clinical studies using Omni-Biotic can be found here.

Why Are Multispecies Probiotics Preferred To Monospecies Probiotics?

The human gut contains more than 500 different probiotic bacterial strains. A monospecies probiotic preparation contains only one single beneficial bacterial strain, whereas the multispecies preparations of Omni-Biotic contain up to eleven compatible, mutually reinforcing strains. Specific combinations of bacterial strains have been scientifically shown to be especially helpful when faced with particular health challenges.

How Do The Good Bacteria In Omni-Biotic Survive The Passage Through The Gastrointestinal Tract?

In order for a probiotic to be effective, the bacterial strains must reach the gut alive and active.

This is why all probiotic bacteria in Omni-Biotic products are freeze-dried and embedded in a special powder formulation, which also includes prebiotic nutrients.

Reactivating the probiotic powder in water prior to intake, ensures that 83% of the good bacteria reach the intestine alive and active. This is compared to only 7% in leading probiotic capsule brands.

What Is The Recommended Intake For OMNi-BiOTiC®?

  1. Stir one sachet of Omni-Biotic in approximately 4 ounces of room temperature water or other non-acidic liquid (dairy/non-dairy milk or yogurt, apple juice).
  2. Wait 1 minute for probiotic reconstitution.
  3. Stir again and enjoy!

Take one sachet daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Omni-Biotic is best consumed on an empty stomach, for example right after waking up in the morning or before going to bed in the evening.

Do You Recommend Dissolving Omni-Biotic Only In Water?

Due to the basic pH value of water, it is optimally suited to activate the freeze-dried probiotic bacteria in Omni-Biotic to ensure maximum effectiveness.

If you prefer, milk, yogurt, non-dairy alternatives, as well as herbal teas and apple juice are also well suited to dissolve Omni-Biotic.

Please note, in general, the liquid in which you dissolve Omni-Biotic should be under 100 degrees Fahrenheit, non-acidic (i.e. avoid coffee and citrus juices), and non-carbonated.

How Long Should Omni-Biotic Be Taken For?

However, the length that Omni-Biotic probiotic should be taken more so depends on your health status, needs and goals.

As a general rule of thumb, you can think of it this way: for every year in which you experience digestive discomfort, gut issues and/or larger health challenges, take one month of a probiotic supplement. If you’re experiencing gut issues for just a few weeks, then even a month of probiotics can make a big difference.

It is perfectly safe and beneficial to your overall health to take Omni-Biotic for an extended period of time, because the probiotic bacterial strains contained in the products all naturally occur in the human body.

When Should Someone Feel The Benefits Of Omni-Biotic?

You likely will feel a positive effect on your digestion in the first few days of taking Omni-Biotic. The additional benefits on your overall health should become apparent in the first few weeks.

Does The Gut First Have To Get Used To The Supply Of Good Bacteria Through Omni-Biotic?

Depending on the health of your intestinal flora, this may be the case. If you have a sensitive digestive system, work yourself up to the recommended daily dose over the course of several days to prevent possible digestive side effects. Start with the amount of a knife-tip and gradually increase to the amount in a sachet.

Some first-time Omni-Biotic consumers experience intestinal discomfort in the first few days (e.g. mild diarrhea, bloating, gas). This usually occurs when your digestive tract is rebalancing and eliminating bad bacteria and other substances. Such situations are rare and only occur in about 5% of users. If your symptoms persist after several days, please consult your healthcare practitioner.

Are Omni-Biotic Products Suitable For Vegetarians And Vegans?

All Omni-Biotic products available in our online store are certified vegan, gluten, lactose and soy-free, and made up of non-GMO ingredients.

Is It Possible To Take Omni-Biotic Despite Dietary Intolerances (E.G. Histamine, Fructose)?

Omni-Biotic products contain different dietary fibers that serve as food for the beneficial probiotic bacteria, such as fructo-oligosaccharides and inulin. These are the natural nutrients for probiotic bacteria. They are present in Omni-Biotic products only in minimal amounts, much less than is used in the clinical breath test to provoke a measurable reaction.

If you extend the activation time of Omni-Biotic to 30 minutes, the bacteria almost completely metabolize their food, so that, at most, only a few molecules of these substances enter your body.

For our products, only strains of bacteria are used that cannot produce histamine themselves, so Omni-Biotic products can be safely taken by people with a histamine intolerance.

Can I Take Omni-Biotic With Other Supplements And/Or Medications?

Yes, Omni-Biotic can be taken with other supplements and/or medications. Omni-Biotic contains only strains of bacteria that naturally occur in the human intestines, and no chemical agents that can interact with other supplements or medications.

When taking antibiotics, it is best to take Omni-Biotic at least one hour before or after taking the antibiotic.

Is It Possible To Combine Two Omni-Biotic Probiotics?

Yes, you can easily take one Omni-Biotic in the morning and a different one in the evening. Please note that different Omni-Biotic products should not be dissolved in the same liquid at the same time, because each probiotic bacterial combination is exactly matched and supplemented with their special “food” in the form of a matrix.

Can Omni-Biotic Be Used When Trying To Conceive, During Pregnancy, Postpartum And While Breastfeeding?

Yes, all Omni-Biotic probiotics are safe for use when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, postpartum and while breastfeeding.

Are Omni-Biotic Products Safe for Children?

Most Omni-Biotic probiotics are safe for children. For children under the age of three (3) years, we recommend taking half of one sachet per day. Please note that we do NOT recommend Omni-Biotic Hetox for children under one (1) year of age.

To improve the taste of the products, you can dissolve them in infant formula, milk or yogurt, a dairy alternative, lukewarm soups and apple juice. Avoid juices that are too acidic, such as orange juice, as these negatively impact the probiotic bacteria.

Omni-Logic Prebiotics

What Are Prebiotics And The Health Benefits Of Taking A Prebiotic Supplement?

The probiotic bacteria that live in our gut microbiome (the world of billions of bacteria in our intestines) are split up into two groups: aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

A large portion of these probiotic bacteria consist of anaerobic bacteria, which means that they do not live or grow when oxygen is present. Only a small percentage consists of the aerobic bacteria, which can survive in oxygen and can therefore be manufactured into dietary supplements. Due to their sensitivity to oxygen, the anaerobic bacteria cannot be taken in the form of probiotic supplements.

Luckily, scientists have come up with a clever way to promote the growth of anaerobic probiotic bacteria, which are incredibly important for our health. This is via prebiotics!

Prebiotics are specific dietary fibers that serve as the food for certain anaerobic probiotic bacteria. The gist is that, if you can’t supplement certain key, beneficial bacteria, you can make sure that you’re providing everything they need to thrive in your gut by taking a prebiotic supplement.

Just like people, every probiotic bacterium has a favorite food and eating this ensures optimal livelihood. For example, Bacteroidetes particularly like apple pectin, butyrate-forming faecalibacteria prefer fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and special milk sugars such as galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), whereas Akkermansia muciniphila thrive on galacto-olgosaccharides (GOS).

Who Would Benefit From Taking A Prebiotic Supplement?

External factors, including taking medications such as antibiotics, high amounts of and prolonged periods of stress, as well as unhealthy eating habits can disrupt the healthy balance of our gut flora. This can give rise to gut issues such as gas, bloating, and changes to bowel movements, as well as to longer-term health challenges such as inflammation, leaky gut, eczema and migraines.

If there is an unhealthy imbalance of bacteria in the gut, a prebiotic supplement can support the growth of anaerobic bacteria in order to restore healthy bacterial balance and diversity.

Taking a prebiotic supplement is also an effective way to add more fiber to your diet, which promotes regular bowel movements.

Do Omni-Logic Products Have Regulatory Approval?

All Omni-Logic products meet “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) criteria specified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

What Kind Of Testing Do You Do On Omni-Logic?

Omni-Logic prebiotics are developed by Institut AllergoSan “Competence Center for Microbiome Research,” based on over 30 years of gut microbiome research.

All Omni-Logic products include only ingredients that are known to be safe and effective. Furthermore, all ingredients are regularly tested for purity.

What Is The Recommended Intake Of Omni-Logic?

1-3 times per day, dissolve 1 measuring spoon (5 g) of Omni-Logic in approximately 4-6 oz of still, room temperature water or beverage of your choice, stir, and then drink the mixture. There is no need to wait for activation of the prebiotic powder in the water.

Tip: Start with ½ measuring spoon once a day for 3 days. Then gradually increase to the full daily recommended amount of 1 measuring spoon 3 times per day. This allows your good gut bacteria to multiply appropriately. The measuring spoon can be found inside the product container and may be buried within the prebiotic powder.

How Long Should Omni-Logic Be Taken For?

This depends on your health status and goals. However, it is best to take Omni-Logic for at least three months. There are powerful health benefits of adding a premium prebiotic to your daily wellness routine.

When Should Someone Feel The Benefits Of Omni-Logic?

You likely will feel a positive effect on your digestion in the first few days of taking Omni-Logic ®. The additional benefits on your overall health and wellbeing should become apparent in the first few weeks.

Can I Take Omni-Logic With Other Supplements And/Or Medications?

Yes, Omni-Logic can be taken with other supplements and/or medications.

Are Omni-Logic Products Suitable For Vegetarians And Vegans?

Omni-Logic Immune is certified vegan, gluten, lactose and soy-free, and made up of non-GMO ingredients. Please note that Omni-Logic Plus contains a small amount of lactose, which makes it suitable for vegetarians.

Is It Possible To Take Omni-Logic Despite Dietary Intolerances (e.g. Histamine, Fructose)?

All Omni-Logic products are free of gluten, soy, corn, nuts and GMO ingredients. Only Omni-Logic Plus contains a small amount of lactose.

Can Omni-Logic Be Used When Trying To Conceive, During Pregnancy, Postpartum And While Breastfeeding?

Yes, all Omni-Logic prebiotics are safe for use when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, postpartum and while breastfeeding.

Are Omni-Logic Products Safe for Children?

All Omni-Logic products are safe for children over the age of six (6) years. It is recommended to give children a reduced dosage, starting with a knife-tip per day in a large glass of water.

For Omni-Logic Plus, it is important to add sufficient liquid to ensure safe and easy ingestion, because the product can gelatinize.