13 Best Probiotics for Men in 2022

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A male runner taking a break to drink water leaned against bridge railing.

Men can benefit from probiotic supplements. Well-designed probiotics support digestive health, limit the physiological impact of stress, and promote the body’s natural metabolic and detox processes. This guide helps to explain the differences between some of the most popular probiotics on the market.

You already know probiotic supplements promote optimal digestion and gut health, as well as support targeted health concerns and overall well-being. With so many products on the market, though, it can be difficult to know which supplement is right for you and why.

We’re here to help with an honest run-down of the probiotic supplements you’re likely to come across and how they compare to Omni-Biotic. Spoiler alert: we think Omni-Biotic products are the best choice, but only you know what’s right for your body.

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1. Omni-Biotic AB 10

This thoughtfully formulated supplement contains ten strains of probiotic bacteria that work together to balance the gut. Studies show that Omni-Biotic AB 10 reduces digestive issues like diarrhea, particularly when your system’s been thrown off balance by antibiotics or infection, for example.

The ten strains chosen for Omni-Biotic AB 10 work synergistically (meaning they work well together). You may think that even more bacterial strains is better, but it’s not that simple. While you want to look for probiotics with more than one strain to promote healthy gut diversity, combining the wrong ones could make the supplement less effective. Some bacterial strains work even better in teams, while others compete for resources and should not be included in the same supplement.

A well-thought-out formula is only as good as its delivery system. Probiotics have no benefit if they’re unable to reach the intestines—the place where they actually get to work. Stomach acid and bile can, and often do, kill off the beneficial bacteria before they have a chance to colonize in the gut.

Omni-Biotic’s supplements come in single-serve powder sachets. The freeze-dried bacteria strains remain potent and free from air exposure until they’re ready to use. This intentional delivery system allows 83% of the probiotic content to reach the intestine alive and active, compared to 7% among ten other leading U.S. capsule brands.

  • Type: Highly effective powder formulation with prebiotic nutrients
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dose/day: 1-2 sachets per day
  • Dietary Considerations: Hypoallergenic, vegan, non-GMO
  • Clinical Studies Using the Final Formulation: Yes
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2. Omni-Biotic Stress Release

The gut-brain connection—like that feeling of “butterflies in your stomach” when you’re nervous or excited—is a real thing caused by the “gut-brain axis.” When disrupted by short or long-term stress, it can cause havoc on both your digestion and your emotional well-being.

To cope with stress, your body is programmed to prioritize what it thinks will help you survive a perceived threat. It releases hormones that slow digestion, alter metabolism, and create inflammation. Ultimately, this affects your gut microbiome.

But here’s the thing: we know about 95% of the “feel-good hormone” serotonin resides in the gut. When stress throws off the balance of gut bacteria, it also impacts your balance of hormones and neurotransmitters. As a result, your mood, memory, and sleep could suffer, leading to more perceived stress.

Research shows that specific strains of good bacteria can help maintain a healthy feedback loop in the gut-brain axis to stop this cycle. Omni-Biotic Stress Release is an award-winning psychobiotic containing multiple strains like L. planetarium, L. lactis, and B. lactis, which studies suggest can help modulate brain activity.

One thing you don’t have to stress about? Keeping this or any other Omni-Biotic product refrigerated. They’re shelf-stable and come in single-serve sachets so you can seamlessly incorporate them into your daily routine.

  • Type: Powder formulation with prebiotic nutrients
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dose/day: 1-2 sachets per day
  • Dietary Considerations: Hypoallergenic, vegan, non-GMO
  • Clinical Studies Using the Final Formulation: Yes
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3. Omni-Biotic Hetox

A discussion on men’s health and well-being almost always involves a mention of detoxification. We know the liver is a key detox organ, but rarely is the correlation made between liver function, detoxification, and the gut microbiome. The gut and the liver are, in fact, directly connected by the portal vein.

A healthy gut lining allows beneficial molecules like nutrients from foods and drinks to pass into the bloodstream. At the same time, potential toxins are metabolized appropriately or excreted. Sometimes, however, the intestinal lining becomes too permeable, letting toxins into the bloodstream and eventually onward to the liver. This is called “leaky gut.”

An overtaxed liver can impact metabolism and cardiovascular health. When the detox system falls behind, circulating levels of insulin, cholesterol, glucose, and inflammatory cells aren’t as tightly regulated.

Omni-Biotic Hetox is a unique probiotic explicitly created to support healthy liver function and detoxification. The bacteria strains in this formula work synergistically to help maintain tight junctions in the intestinal lining (reducing occurrence or severity of “leaky gut”) while also promoting the production of beneficial byproducts. The goal is to reduce toxic load on the liver by strengthening the gut barrier and gut-liver axis.

This targeted supplement comes in powder form. Like all Omni-Biotic products, the final product was tested in clinical studies to ensure its efficacy. It was also manufactured so that a clinically-relevant number of bacteria actually reach the intestine.

  • Type: Highly effective powder formulation with prebiotic nutrients
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dose/day: 1 sachet per day
  • Dietary Considerations: Hypoallergenic, vegan, non-GMO
  • Clinical Studies Using the Final Formulation: Yes

4. HUM Gut Instinct

Like Omni-Biotic products, this brand discloses the exact sub-strain used in its probiotic formula. HUM Gut Instinct contains ten strains of bacteria that are generally considered to support digestive health and immune function.

The company appears to be transparent about the science it’s collected on its products but doesn’t seem to have research to share on this particular supplement yet.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dosage/day: 1 capsule per day
  • Dietary considerations: Vegan. No: wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, or peanuts. However, it’s made in a facility that processes these ingredients.
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: No

5. Ancient Nutrition SBO Probiotics for Men

This probiotic uses “soil-based” strains to support healthy gut and immune function. Soil-derived bacteria strains like B. coagulans, B clausii, B. subtilis are probiotics that form hardy spores in the gut. These spores help them survive the harsh conditions of the digestive tract.

Many soil-based organisms (SBOs) are considered “transient” because they don’t colonize in the human intestine. They may stay for a while but will eventually leave your system, unlike bacteria that naturally populate a healthy gut.

There is currently some debate about the efficacy and safety of SBOs. Anecdotally, some people report remarkable improvements while others experience adverse effects. The science is still emerging.

We recommend checking with a healthcare provider who understands probiotics and your specific health concerns before trying soil-based probiotics like this one to avoid unwanted side effects. Also, note that this supplement contains additional ingredients, including fermented plants and mushrooms, zinc, and selenium.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dosage/day: 2 capsules once per day
  • Dietary considerations: Keto, Paleo, gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and vegan
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: No

6. Culturelle Daily Probiotic

Culturelle Daily Probiotic contains just one bacterial strain—Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. While L. rhamnosus GG is a well-studied and effective strain to include in a supplement for digestive wellness, we know the gut thrives with microbial diversity.

To optimize digestive health, you’re likely better off choosing a product that includes multiple probiotic strains proven to work together.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dosage/day: 1 capsule per day
  • Dietary considerations: No dairy, wheat, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, and non-GMO
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: It’s unclear if Culturelle studied the final product in clinical studies

7. Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics for Men

This product claims to be formulated for men’s “colon health” and immune support. However, its ingredients are nearly identical to the corresponding probiotic for women. It contains 15 strains of “raw” probiotics (bacteria derived from fermented foods) plus a prebiotic.

While choosing a product made from raw fermented foods may sound appealing, failing to isolate strains makes it hard to know if they actually work well together or will colonize in a human gut.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dosage/day: 1 capsule per day
  • Dietary considerations: Dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, raw, vegetarian, and non-GMO
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: No

8. Jarro-Dophilus Gut Calm

The label on this relatively simple supplement lists three sub-strains of bacteria plus the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. It’s delivered in a delayed-release capsule to help the bacteria survive stomach acid. Jarro Formulas earns a good reputation in consumer satisfaction by Consumer Labs.

If you’re considering this product, keep in mind that some people are sensitive to yeasts like S. boulardii and may end up with undesirable results.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable up to 77 degrees F
  • Dosage/day: 1-2 capsules per day
  • Dietary considerations: Vegan, gluten-free
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: Unknown

9. Garden of Life Raw Probiotics Men

Another “raw” probiotic supplement by Garden of Life, this one contains 31 strains of bacteria derived from Bulgarian yogurt concentrate. This product, presumably because of its “full-spectrum” of probiotics, aims to support digestion, immunity, stress management, and cardiovascular health, particularly during times of heavy exertion.

Unfortunately, Garden of Life doesn’t test its final products, so there’s no evidence to back up these claims.

This supplement also contains additional minerals, enzymes, and raw food ingredients. So remember to check the label to make sure these extra ingredients align with your health goals.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dosage/day: 1 capsule 3 times per day
  • Dietary considerations: Gluten-free, soy-free, raw, non-GMO, contains dairy
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: No

10. Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic Complete

Ther-Biotic Complete offers 12 probiotic strains in a base of prebiotic inulin designed to survive the intestinal tract with proprietary technology. Rather than target a specific health concern, it aims to cover the basics: gut health, immune system modulation, and inflammation.

The label tells you how much of each strain is in each serving but doesn’t list the sub-strain. Unlike other probiotics on this list, Klaire Labs states this product is suitable for children but defers to a healthcare professional for dosing.

  • Type: Capsule or powder
  • Storage: Refrigeration required
  • Dosage/day: capsule: 1 per day with food; powder: ¼ tsp per day with food
  • Dietary considerations: Hypoallergenic, produced in Kosher-certified facility
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: Unknown (Yes?)

11. Renew Life Ultimate Flora Men’s Care Probiotic

Each delayed-release capsule in this product contains 12 strains of probiotic bacteria for general digestive, colon, and immune support. While there’s no mention of the final formula being tested in its entire formulation, the company discloses the exact sub-strains used in the product and offers a 60-day money-back guarantee.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable up to 77 degrees, but refrigeration recommended
  • Dosage/day: capsule: 1 per day
  • Dietary considerations: Gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, non-GMO
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: Unknown, but has a money-back guarantee

12. Seed Daily Synbiotic

This ambitious supplement claims to provide “whole body” benefits with 24 broad-spectrum probiotic strains. Its unusual delivery mechanism consists of a capsule containing a prebiotic on the outside and probiotics on the inside. Also interesting is how the company groups the 24 specific substrains by the areas of the body they target.

Studies were conducted on the final formula, which presumably back up the company’s claims of quality and efficacy. However, the marketing could mislead customers into thinking this supplement offers features and benefits other products don’t, like FODMAP compatibility and California Prop. 65 compliancy.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dosage/day: capsule: 2 per day at the same time
  • Dietary considerations: Free from gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, sesame, corn, glycophosphate/AMPA, and binders. Prop 65 compliant and not of animal or soil origin
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: Yes

13. Garden of Life Raw Probiotics Men 50 & Wiser

Aging comes with a fresh set of health concerns including more frequent constipation, depression, loss of bone density, and memory loss. Probiotics can help with these concerns at any age. Like the Garden of Life products listed above, we’re not sure if this particular supplement lives up to its claims, but it includes digestive enzymes that may be especially useful for older men. This is because as we age, we naturally make less digestive enzymes which can impact nutrient absorption and the GI tract as a whole.

This probiotic contains other minerals as well as raw food ingredients so just remember to read the full label.

  • Type: Capsule
  • Storage: Shelf-stable
  • Dosage/day: 3 capsules per day
  • Dietary considerations: Gluten-free, soy-free, raw, non-GMO, contains dairy
  • Clinical studies using final formulation: No
Black man smiling typing on laptop with notebook and phone beside him.

How To Choose the Best Probiotics for Men

If you’re stumped on which probiotic to choose, rest assured you’re not the only one. Even healthcare professionals have a hard time keeping up. Ultimately, the best probiotic for you is the one that you feel works—for you. That said, here are some things to look for:

Bacteria Strains

When choosing a probiotic supplement, consider the strains of bacteria listed on the label. Remember that bacteria function differently on a substrain level, so ideally, you’re looking for a product that discloses the exact substrains used in the formula. (They appear as a combination of letters and numbers after the strain, i.e., Lactobacillus acidophilus W55 or Lactobacillus acidophilus W37).

Supplements should contain a combination of strains proven to work together to target your specific health goal. While the average consumer can’t be expected to know the function of every substrain, choosing a brand that clinically tests its final formulation—like Omni-Biotic—takes the guesswork out.

Also, certain bacteria strains, like some found in fermented food, don’t colonize the human microbiome. This is one reason a supplement may be more beneficial than food-derived probiotics.

Finally, read the label carefully to see if the probiotic strains are derived from soil. Some people swear by soil-derived strains, like B. coagulans, B. clausii, B. subtilis, but those with compromised immune systems may want to avoid them or consult with a healthcare provider first.

CFU Count

You may wonder why none of the product descriptions above included the CFU count. That’s because the number of CFUs (Colony Forming Units) listed on the label usually doesn’t amount to the number of colonies that actually reach your gut.

Many of the probiotic supplements you’re likely to find on the market advertise anywhere from 1 billion to 100 billion CFUs when the product was manufactured. But then the product is shipped, stored by the retailer and customer, and makes its way through the body. By this time, much of the beneficial bacteria can die off from the effects of heat, humidity, and the acidic digestive system.

So what’s a savvy consumer to do? Focus on the brands offering supplements that are shelf-stable, protected from humidity, and manufactured in a stomach-acid and bile-resistant way.

This is what makes Omni-Biotic a good choice. It has developed a unique powder delivery mechanism that makes sure a vast majority of the CFUs reach your intestines alive, active, and able to target the health concerns for which they were formulated.

Clinical Studies

The world of dietary supplements is like the wild west. Consumers spent over $150 billion globally in this largely unregulated industry last year and are projected to spend about $275 billion a year by 2028.

Brands are free to make all kinds of claims on the efficacy and safety of their products. This doesn’t just put the general public at risk of throwing away their money. It’s also legitimately dangerous.

When shopping for high-quality probiotics, consider the research done on the final formulation. Note that many brands use bacteria strains that are well-tested in general but don’t test how all the ingredients work when combined.

A company that invests resources in clinical studies to ensure the quality and efficacy of its products will be proud to share that information with you. It shouldn’t be hard to find. You can easily find information on Omni-Biotic’s clinical studies on the website or reach out to customer service.


Probiotics are living microorganisms. Just like you wouldn’t buy a dead goldfish for your fish tank, we know you don’t want inactive bacteria in your probiotic. While it’s harder to tell if the organisms in your supplement are still viable, the way it’s stored can give you a good clue.

Be wary of supplements that require refrigeration. Even with the best intentions and attempt at quality control, there’s a risk that at some point in the supply chain, it was kept out of refrigeration too long at the expense of its potency.

Instead, look for shelf-stable products. They’re not only more convenient, but they can also withstand the conditions associated with transportation and storage. All of Omni-Biotic’s products are shelf-stable. They’re also packaged in individual servings to limit their exposure to air.

Delivery Mechanism

Probiotics come in different forms (delivery mechanisms), including powder, capsules, gummies, chewable tablets, and liquid. Each has its pros and cons, and most people opt for a capsule or powder. Ultimately, the form that gets as many live cultures into the intestines is what will be the best choice for you.

Capsules are convenient because they can be easily transported and quickly swallowed. However, some types of capsules protect the probiotics they contain from the acidic digestive environment better than others. Technology is emerging with “delayed-release” capsules designed to attempt to minimize this problem.

Powdered probiotics have benefits and drawbacks, too. One benefit of a powder is you can adjust the dose. If you’re starting out, for example, and want to build up to full serving size, powders make that easy. You can also add them to different liquids to suit your preferences.

The downside to powders? Their formulation can be just as vulnerable to heat, humidity, and acidity as capsules. This is especially true if the servings aren’t individually packaged.

Omni-Biotic products come in powders that are formulated—and clinically shown—to survive the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. Omni-Biotic’s powder ensures an 83% probiotic survival rate compared to 7% in ten top U.S. capsule brands! The individual sachets also protect them from heat and humidity.

A man running across beach with waves in the background.

Top Benefits of Probiotics for Men

Probiotics can address common health concerns among men in targeted ways. Different strains help keep the digestive system healthy, modulate the immune system, promote efficient detoxification, and support emotional well-being.

Digestive health: The delicate balance of the digestive system can be disrupted by hard to avoid factors. Everyday things like a diet full of processed food, a bout of illness, stress, and medications can all disrupt the microbiome. It’s important to rebalance the gut microbiome since it influences everything from digestion and nutrient absorption, to the immune system and brain function.

Certain probiotic strains, including those in the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium families, help repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria. With regular use, you could expect to notice fewer bouts of constipation and/or diarrhea, less gas and bloating, and an improvement in IBS symptoms.

Stress and emotional well-being: The microbiome and brain participate in a feedback loop. In other words, what you feel impacts how your body physically reacts. The physiological effects of our emotions (like stress) change our gut microbiome and, in turn, impact the hormones and neurotransmitters critical to our brain.

Luckily, research indicates strains like L. planetarium, L. lactis, and B. lactis can realign the gut-brain axis, promoting better memory, resilience, and emotional wellness.

Detoxification and metabolism: Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the lining of your intestines lets particles pass into the bloodstream that normally shouldn’t be there. This burdens the liver and detox system and also interferes with metabolism.

The list of factors that can contribute to leaky gut seems endless. However, certain probiotic strains can help repair the gut lining regardless of the underlying cause, reducing inflammation, and supporting insulin sensitivity and normal cholesterol.

Probiotics can contribute to so many other areas of men’s health, including healthy hormones, a smart immune system, weight loss, eczema, and preservation of a sharp mind.

Fit man sitting on yoga mat doing yoga pose.

Final Thoughts

Probiotics can provide health benefits for men looking to address specific health concerns or who are just looking to optimize overall health. Finding the right one doesn't have to be a confusing or expensive trial-and-error process.

The best probiotic supplements: contain minimal fillers and allergens, clearly state the exact substrains you're getting, are backed by extensive research and clinical studies, and are manufactured in a way that ensures the probiotics make it to the intestines alive and active.**

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